

Introduction to Fablab

The first and most important thing to learn in this module is Safety. To quote someone who used to pretend he was russian in the early days of Youtube

Safety is our number one piority.

To prevent accidents from happening, the below must be adhered to at all times:


  • long hair should be tied up neatly
  • keep adornment properly
  • No loose items(eg.necklace,jewelry,etc)
  • No long sleeves/loose attire
  • Long pants should be worn
  • Covered shoes

Hazards in the Fab lab can be classified into 2 main catagories, Mechanical and Non-mechanical.


  • Entanglement hazards:

    Entanglement hazards are when loose clothing,hair,
    loose articles get caught by moving parts of a machine

  • Cutting hazards:

    Cutting Hazards are when you use machinery to cut wood,
    metal.They can cause deep cuts, amputations when they
    come in contact with the workers body.

  • Impact Hazards:

    Impact hazards are present when objects strike the human body,
    but not cut it. Severity of injury is dependent on speed,force
    and inertia of moving machines.

  • Draw-in Hazards:

    Injuries can occur when a body part is drawn-in by inrunning
    nip points formed by two counter-rotating parts or between
    rotating and tangentially moving surfaces.

  • Crushing Hazards

    Crushing hazads are present when part of the body is caught
    between either two moving parts of machinery or
    a moving part and a stationary object.

  • Friction and Abrasion hazards

    Friction burns and abrasions occurs when encountering rough
    surfaces moving at high speed
    e.g. sanding machine, grinding wheel etc. can cause abrasion injuries.

  • Shearing hazards:

    Parts of machines that move past each other or stationary objects can cause a shear point resulting in a crushing or cutting action.


  • Fall from Heights Hazards
  • Noise Hazards
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Heat-related Hazards
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Fatigue
  • Ergonomic Risk factors